02890 312 355 [email protected]


Our Solicitors are expertly trained to help you deal with Inquests.

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Attending an inquest into the death of a loved one can be very hard. Our specialist inquest team have the expertise and experience necessary to make sure you and your family get the answers you need at this difficult time.

The Coroner calls an inquest when someone has died in a violent or unnatural way. If it is suspected that the state caused, contributed to or failed to prevent the death of a person, the Coroner will request an Inquest. It’s very important to have legal experts on your side to make sure all the facts about your loved one’s death are investigated.

We have extensive experience helping the families of people who have died:
• In police custody
• In prison
• After contact with the police
• Whilst detained under the Mental Health Act

The inquest process is complicated and can be daunting, especially at a time when you are already trying to cope with your loss. Knowing you have an expert team on your side to support you through the proceedings and work hard to make sure the facts are properly investigated can ease the burden.

Please Contact Ciarán Cunningham

T. 02890 312 355
E. [email protected]

We are the Experts

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