02890 312 355 [email protected]

About Us

The Firm was established in 2018 having been previously founded Michael Brentnall Solicitors in 2016. Since this, Brentnall Legal Solicitors have grown dramatically and have developed an enviable reputation in providing dedicated and client-focused legal services.

Staff Profiles

Michael Brentnall, BA MssC MlegSci

Director / Solicitor

Michael graduated from Queen’s University in Belfast in 2000 with Modern History & Politics before commencing a Master’s degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice Management which he completed in 2001. In 2011 Michael went on to graduate with a Master’s degree in Law qualifying as a solicitor at the Institute of Professional Legal Studies in 2013.

Michael’s main areas of expertise are Criminal law, Judicial Review and civil litigation including injunctions in both the County Court and High Court. He has also been involved in legacy cases from the conflict in which litigation against the state for its actions during the course of the conflict in the North of Ireland.

In relation to criminal law Michael is regularly representing clients in arrests and interviews under PACE and the Terrorism Act, and that representation continues in the Magistrates Court, Crown Court and the Court of Appeal. Michael currently has currently criminal cases in all levels of the Criminal Courts.

Michael has significant experience in Judicial review proceedings against state bodies, ranging from the PSNI to the Housing Executive along with the Parades Commission and the British Home Secretary, including cases which have gone before the Divisional Court and Court of Appeal, the highest courts in this jurisdiction. Currently Michael has a significant number of cases before the Judicial Review court, Divisional Court and Court of Appeal, including AS1 v PSNI a most notable case which concerns an appeal on the videoing of children during a search under both the Justice & Security Act and Terrorism Act.

Furthermore Michael has initiated injunctive proceedings in the High Court most notably against Facebook and the PSNI, in what were landmark cases, and in the County Court against individuals on behalf of clients under Protection from Harassment legislation.

T. 02890 312 355
E. [email protected]

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